# errors from the os, fatal error message, general errors
E1F:%s has suffered a fatal error (%d) and must exit immediately
E1U:Unexpected error insufficient memory.
H3:Unable to create window %s.
H4:History file missing. Only Full backup will be available.
H5:Unable to find a time stamp datum. Only Full backup will be available.
histrename:Failed to rename History file (%s)
histnobuf:Can't create buffer for new history file.
# errors while making logfile
LF1:Can't create log file.
LF2:Can't create index files - Backup abandoned
LF4:Cannot open log file - Backup abandoned.
LF5:Cannot create backup file - Backup abandoned.
LF6:Nothing to backup
LF7:Escape pressed. Backup aborted.
M1:Source path does not exist
M2:Drag the destination directory to the Destination icon.
M3:You must specify a source path.
M4:You must specify a destination path.
M5:Unable to save options file.
M6:Default options file corrupt. Unable to load defaults.
M7:Backup aborted by user.
# Include / Exclude list errors
L1:Insufficient memory. Free some memory and try again.
L2:This file is already in the list.
L3:Cannot find file %s.
L4:I need another %dK bytes of memory.
NFC1:Non filecore device
NFC2:Cannot find device number.
# Compression Errors
CP1:Insufficient memory for data compression.
# floppy prompts.
adfs0:Non native RISCOS format disk.
adfs1:Disk in Drive %d requires formatting. OK to format to
adfs2:This disk is already part of the backup set !
adfs3:Insert disk %d into Drive %d
adfs4:Preparing floppy %d.
adfs5:Writing memory buffer to disk.
adfs6:Compressing data to memory buffer.
adfs7:Disc error detected. Remove this disc from the backup set.
adfs8:Verifying backup data.
adfs9:Copying !Restore.
adfs10:Updating index file.
# Interactive Help Strings.
MWI0:Starts the backup with the selected options.
MWI1:Drag a directory or file into this icon to select the source for the backup.
MWI2:Drag a directory or file into this icon to select the destination.|MYou can select a floppy disc from the menu.
MWI3:Displays the backup type.
MWI4:Displays the Include\\Exclude list combination to use.
MWI5:Click menu here to display the destination menu.
MWI6:Click menu here to display the backup type menu.
MWI7:Click menu here to display the Lists menu.
MWI8:Cancels any changes you have made and reloads the default settings.
MWI9:Saves the current setting as the default settings.
MWI10:When selected the backup data will be checked to ensure it is correct.
MWI11:Selects if files in an include list should be backed up.
MWI12:Selects if files in an exclude list should be missed from the backup.
MWH:This is the !ClicBack Setup window.|MIt allows you to set the options for the backup.
FWI1:Displays the path of the file being processed.
FWI2:Displays the size of the file being processed.
FWI3:Displays an estimate of the time remaining to complete the backup.
FWI4:Displays the percentage saved by compression.|MThe higher this value the better the compression.
FWI5:Displays the current disc number.
FWI6:Displays an estimate of the number of discs.
FWI7:Displays messages from the program.
FWI8:Aborts the backup and returns you to the setup window.
FWI9:Default action icon.|MUsed for answering questions from the program.
FWI10:Pauses the backup returning as much memory as possible to the system.|MThe program will attempt to claim all the memory back when you select continue.
FWI11:Used to reply to prompts from the program.
FWI19:Percentage done slider.
FWH:This is the !ClicBack File window.|MIt keeps you informed of the programs progress.
EWH:Exclude Window|MDrag files or directories to this window in order to exclude them from the backup.
IWH:Include Window|MDrag files or directories to this window to include them in the backup.